SF Genie #12


1 Britney Spears, Still On Top -  `Whoah there horsey!` A Stupider Fence` (2-28)

2 Heinlein Corner - `One Man, One Woman, Or One Species, One Woman` (28-63)

3 Flashing back with some pop, `It Really Doesn`t Matter At All` - `Paris Hilton`s Clothes Horse` (63-113)

4 Women With Balls, A Feminist Tissue – `She`s Us and Jesus Is A Single Species` (113-160)

5 Misanthropists In Space, Chunky Herberts With Ray Guns – `The Spider In The Garden` (160-166)

6 Luke Christianity with Bunny Church - `Britney Spears` Jesuit` (166-180)

7 English Language Teaching with Confucius - `Confusing` (180-189)

8 Spoofiction, If It Spoofs Spoof It - ``Well, it was like this doc …` (189-226)

9 Star Trek, Still Going On - `Male And Female He Created Them Both` (226-242)

10 Lost In Space, Where Was I? - `Babylon, Hollywood`s Alien, Perdition And Human Resurrection` (243-201)